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Breakfast at Darul Ehsan Tiffany

Piirah Tiffany konon!
Me and Yong supposed to have a date this morning cancelled. Hihihi..

No hard feelings cause I don't have any serious plan this morning :) So, I am always at home spending quality time with Yuni..

Please forgive me for my ramblings yesterday in KTM... Yes, I am still unsatisfied with the 2 half- women.. Did I mention one of the imbuhsul body odor stinkss? Oh already? Now I have traumas on body odors of sex exchange men.. Wow.. Now that's complicated..

Done with yesterday's ramblings.

Do you guys love chocolates? Have you guys ever think of working with chocolates? I have never given a thought abou it, but is sound fun! Can't wait~~

I need to settle down this year. I am striving for it and I hope I succed. Amin!

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