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Hey Hey おおきに毎度あり
(Hey Hey Ookini Maido Ari)

ドケチな おやじが むかし
ほろりと こぼしよった
感謝を 忘れんことが
ゼニを 生むんや

兄ちゃん 姉ちゃん おばちゃん おっちゃん
らっしゃい らっしゃい よっていーてかー
わては 商売人の ボンボンや
しんきくさい顔せんと 買ていってかー
今日は めちゃくちゃ べんきょうするで
わてが 言うから まちがいない
もってけー! いっとこー! こうてまえ! サンキュー
今日の目玉や そろそろ行こかー

Hey Hey おおきに毎度あり
商売繁盛 なにわの商人やー
えーもん 安いもんが 名物やー
ぜったい あんさん そんはさせへんでー

なにわの どでかい土俵で
咲かすで 人情勝負
足元 見てたらあかん
ゼニが 逃げよるで

あっちも こっちも 大変やー
不景気 言うても はじまれへん
わての 信念 まげれんなぁー
しんきくさい顔せんで がんばるでぇー
未だ バブリーな やつらはなぁー
借金しても かっこつけよる!
ほんまに かしこい お客さんに
薄利 多売や ハート 熱いでぇー!

Hey Hey おおきに毎度あり
商売繁盛 なにわの商人やー
えーもん 安いもんが てんこ盛り
いっさい がっさい めんどうみるやんけー

Hey Hey おおきに毎度あり
商売繁盛 なにわの商人やー
えーもん 安いもんが 名物やー
ぜったい あんさん そんはさせへんでー

English Translation Lyrics

A long time ago a stingy old man
Was moved to tears
Not forgetting to be grateful
Makes money

Boys, girls, women, men
Welcome, welcome, don't you want to come on by?
I'm a shop owner's son
Don't go making a frustrated face, come on in and buy something
I'm learning a lot today
If I say so, then there's no doubt
Perfect! Let me tell you about this! Come on in and buy! Thank you
It's about time to get to today's special item

Hey hey, thanks for your business
I'm an Osaka shop owner that's really thriving
Good and cheap products are our speciality
I'm sure that you won't disappoint me

In a really big arena in Osaka
A battle of empathies is growing
Don't look down at your feet
The money will get away from you

It's terrible all around
Even though you say we're in a recession, it hasn't even begun
I won't bend my beliefs
So don't make a frustrated face, give it your best
These bubbly guys, even though they
Are still in debt, they're so cool!
With customers who are really smart
You get low margins and high volumes, so keep your heart burning!

Hey hey, thanks for your business
I'm an Osaka shop owner that's really thriving
We do a ton of business with our good and cheap products
We'll take care of everything

Hey hey, thanks for your business
I'm an Osaka shop owner that's really thriving
Good and cheap products are our speciality
I'm sure that you won't disappoint me

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